Family Card Partners

Family card holders will be granted special Privileges by private and public sector partners.

There are 3 levels of partnership:

  1. The Card Guest provides one-time Privileges to Family Card holders.
  2. The Card Friend provides Privileges for agreed goods or services for at least 3 months.
  3. The Card Partner shall provide Privileges for at least 6 months.


Offer Privileges and become a Family Card Guest / Friend / Partner.

Card Guest

A partner with Card Guest status provides local or short-term Privileges.

Card Friend

A partner with Card Friend status provides regional significance or on-going Privileges.

Card Partner

A partner with Card Partner status provides national meanings or long-term Privileges.

NGO's and other institutions

Administering association

The NGO project “Family Card” is administered by the Association of Large Families “MES” (“WE“).


A partner with the status of an NGO partner contributes to the project within the scope of its activities.


Municipalities are invited to become full partners and not only to help families apply for a card.

Public institution

Legal entities with the status of a public institution are also invited to become full partners and contribute to the implementation of the project.

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